Rabu, 24 Februari 2010
Senin, 22 Februari 2010
belajar ngetik 10 jari
a s d f dan j k l ;
huruf a — kelingking kiri
huruf s — jari manis kiri
huruf d — jari tengah kiri
huruf f — telunjuk kiri
huruf j — telunjuk kanan
huruf k — jari tengah kanan
huruf l — jari manis kanan
tuts ; — kelingking kanan
2 ibu jari — spasi bar
setiap jari akan menekan tuts yang satu kolom baik di atas tuts kunci maupun di bawah tuts kunci
q w e rt yu i o p
a s d fg hj k l ;
z x c vb nm , . /
kecuali untuk jari telunjuk, akan menekan tuts 2 kolom masing masing
Langkah-langkahnya seperti ini :
1. Duduk tegak, bersandar pada kursi, kaki letakkan di lantai agar seimbang.
2. Letakkan kedua tangan ditekuk dan diangkat sedikit, sejajar namun tidak menempel pada tuts kunci keyboard.
3. Siapkan teks tulisan di sebelah kanan.
Latihan :
1. asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl;
2. qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop
3. zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./
4. Latihan :
typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump (20x)
Jalan kaki di pagi hari sambil menghirup udara yang segar. (25 kali)
Selamat mencoba !
mempercepat firefox
bosan dengan firefox yang lemod sangat???
marii kita berkreasi!!!
langsung mulai aja ya kawand!!
1.ketik "about:config" pada address bar lalu enter kemudian
Scroll down , cari entry:
Secara Normal browser akan membuat satu permintaan halaman web dalam satu waktu.
Saat pipelining dibuat enable akan membuat permintaan akses beberapa kali dan ini
akan meningkatkan kecepatan membuka halaman..
2. Yang harus di rubah sebagai berikut:
Set "network.http.pipelining" jadi "true"
Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" jadi "true"
Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" ke nomor misal 30. Ini berarti dalam
satu waktu meminta sebanyak 30 kali. (Jangan merubah angka melebihi 30,
sebab beberapa situs akan menganggap anda flood dan ip malah di banned kan celaka
bro hehehhehehehe...)
3. Terakhir klik kanan di mana aja dan pilih New-> Integer.
Beri nama "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" dan beri nilai "0". Nilai ini memberikan
jeda waktu browsing menunggu sebelum memberikan reaksi atas informasi yang diterima..
dan sambutlah firefox anda yang telah berevolusi jadi FIRECHEETAH!!!!
7 string guitar
guitar which will be discussed is the 7 string Washburn WG-587V. This guitar Complete with affordable prices (Rp 3.150.000, -)
This guitar is the king's flagship 7 string guitar is Toshi Iseda! He said he planned to be on Endorse with this guitar but as already has been endorsed by DiMarzio pickups so fail! Unfortunately have not produced anymore! But I still have one on clay MG! So fast because of my internet tough many from other countries who are looking for this guitar!
-No binding
-Neck scale 25 1 / 2 "
-24 Frets
-Joined at 17th fret
-Maple neck
Fingerboard radius-R400
-Rosewood Fingerboard
-MR, mgy body
-Satin natural neck
-Floyd Rose bridge
-H neck pickup
-S Middle pickup
-H bridge pickup
-Metal dome, black control knobs
-Grover 18:1 black Tuning machine
-Standard + 7th (B)
This guitar really is not produced anymore, so only a little rest. It is unfortunate for the guitar with such quality. With HSH pickup configuration, the more extended character of the guitar tone itself. yet again, both his Hi gain humbucker can be split into single coil, with coil tap on tone knob! more advanced course this washburn guitar.
Cara kerja sistem mesin motor roda 2.
Cara kerja mesin 4-tak (Basically)
Yang dimaksud 4-tak (4 langkah) adalah dalam satu siklus pembakaran terdapat 4 fase/langkah. fase/langkah tersebut adalah:
1. Langkah Isap
Pada fase ini, Piston bergerak dari titik mati atas menuju titik mati bawah dengan posisi klep masuk membuka. Daya isap sebagai efek dari vakumnya ruang bakar, mengakibatkan kabut bensin(aerosol) dari karburator terhisap masuk kedalam ruang bakar.
2. Kompresi.
Pada fase ini, piston kembali bergerak menuju titik mati atas, untuk memampatkan aerosol (klep masuk tertutup)
3. Pembakaran. (now, you've got the power)
Pada fase ini, aeerosol yang telah mampat, diledakkan dengan bantuan percikan api dari busi. Akibat dari ledakan tadi, piston akan terdorong kebawah hingga titik mati bawah, mendorong stang piston(connecting rod) untuk memutar kruk as (crank case). Makin tinggi kompresi, ledakan makin besar, powerpun bertambah.
4. Pembuangan.
Pada fase ini, piston kembali bergerak keatas hingga titik mati atas, posisi klep buang membuka, sehingga sisa pembakaran akan terdorong keluar. menjelang titik mati atas, klep buang akan bergerak menutup, dan klep masuk mulai membuka. Proses dimulai lagi dari fase pertama.
Pada saat piston bergerak naik dan turun, stang piston yang terhubung pada kruk as (dalam hal ini tepat pada titilk rod bearing) akan merubah gerak bolak balik pada piston menjadi gerak putar pada kruk as. Gerak putar inilah yang nantinya diteruskan oleh rangkaian kopling-gearbox-sproket+rantai menuju roda.
Peranan Cam Shaft(noken as)
Cam Shaft berfungi untuk menggerakkan rocker-arm(pelatuk klep), yang akan mendorong klep untuk membuka. Peranan noken as sangat vital pada proses ini. Meleset sedikit, Klep bisa berbenturan dengan piston, yang dapat mengakibatkan piston menjadi bolong.
Oleh karena itu, posisi piston pada waktu pemasangan harus benar benar tepat pada TMA, dan posisi garis pada gir camshaft sejajar dengan tanda pada kepala silinder. untuk prosesnya dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut
about TOEFL
TOEFL (Test of Indonesia as a Foreign Language) is an English language test designed to measure their mastery of English whose native language is not English. This test was developed and administered by ETS (Educational Testing Service) a nonprofit organization based in the United States and was first held in 1964. TOEFL score is usually one of the entry requirements in 2400 a number of universities in the United States, Canada and 80 other countries in the world (ETS: 1999).
2. Whatever abilities tested in the TOEFL test?
There are three parts of the TOEFL test should be done by the test participants. The first part is the questions that measured the ability of Listening Comprehension in the number of 50 questions, Structure & Written Expression 40 questions, and Reading Comprehension 50 questions. The entire matter was made in the form of multiple choice (except for the Computer Based TOEFL no matter essay writing skills of participants tested in English and other variations such as shape matching problem, to highlight tertentuyang said something to do with the main idea of a reading, etc..). The entire test took place in approximately 150 minutes for the Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL, and approximately 240 minutes for the Computer Based TOEFL. A relatively long time for the Computer Based TOEFL and it's included tutorial procedures.
3. How many kinds of TOEFL test?
There are two types of TOEFL tests, namely 1) Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL; and 2) Computer Based TOEFL. Type the first TOEFL test is the TOEFL test that we know so far, where both questions and answers done by using paper and pencil. While the TOEFL test of the second model is a relatively new test was first introduced in 1998. As stated in its name, this test using a computer in the delivery and because candidates will answer this test by computer.
4. In addition to the above two types of tests, if there were any other type of TOEFL test?
For the purposes of pre-selection or the internal purposes of an institution, then the ETS as a developer and provider agencies TOEFL ITP also conducts TOEFL (ITP = Institutional Testing Program). The number and level of difficulty about the TOEFL ITP did not differ with Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL and the Computer Based TOEFL, because the questions used in the TOEFL ITP TOEFL test is a matter that has been used before. Differences that need to be known by those who plan to follow the TOEFL test is that the score obtained from the TOEFL ITP in pengunaannya limited. Universities and colleges in the United States, for example, will only accept scores obtained from the Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL or the Computer Based TOEFL. Another difference is in terms of test cost. Currently the cost of Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL and the Computer Based TOEFL is U.S. $ 110, while the TOEFL ITP is relatively cheaper costs in the amount of U.S. $ 25. There should also note that the Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL and the Computer Based TOEFL test is only held in certain Center test schedule has been determined in advance, while the TOEFL ITP is more flexible schedules and operate in Indonesia conducted by the IIEF (The Indonesian International Education Foundation) to coordinate with the existing language center in college.
ITP TOEFL addition, there is also a TOEFL Prediction / Equivalent Test that was used to estimate the TOEFL score before the relevant person take another TOEFL (Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL, Computer Based TOEFL, TOEFL ITP). Prediction TOEFL test types are generally held by the institutions / centers of language or places that conduct training courses TOEFL.
5. Is there a difference in the assessment system Based Paper and Pencil TOEFL,
Computer Based TOEFL, ITP TOEFL and TOEFL Prediction Test?
True, or the score rating system used for the Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL, TOEFL ITP, TOEFL Prediction Test and the Computer Based TOEFL is different. This is done of course with the intention to prevent any misunderstanding in the interpretation of the reported score of the test participants. Score range used by the Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL, TOEFL ITP, and TOEFL Prediction Test is 310 (lowest score) sd 677 (highest score), whereas for the Computer Based TOEFL, the lowest score is 0 and the highest value of 300 (TOEFL Score User Guide , 2000-2001). About the difficulty level for all types of tests is of course the same can be said that those who scored 677 on the Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL score is expected to get 300 on the Computer Based TOEFL, and vice versa, if a participant test scores 213 in the TOEFL test using a computer (Computer Based TOEFL), then the corresponding score on the Paper and Pencil-based TOEFL is 550.
6. How are the scores obtained by the level of one's mastery of the English language?
In general, we recognize three levels of mastery of foreign languages, namely the Basic Level (Elementary), Intermediate Level (Intermediate), and Advanced (Advanced). for the TOEFL score, language experts generally classify these scores into the following four levels (Carson, et al., 1990):
· Basic (Elementary): 310 s.d. 420
· Lower Secondary Level (Low Intermediate): 420 sd 480
· High Level (High Intermediate): 480 sd 520
· Advanced (Advanced): 525 s.d 677
From the classification score above, may arise if the TOEFL test questions given to American students, for example, whether they'd have trouble doing TOEFL questions? Study conducted by Johnson (1977) mentions that the average scores obtained by 173 students the first year and second at the University of Tennessee, United States, is 628. That is, for speakers of English itself, TOEFL questions can be done easily, as evidenced by their acquired skoryang who are at advanced level or Advanced.
By knowing the classification level of mastery of English, as seen above, we can certainly understand that it is reasonable why universities in countries that use English as its official language, requires a certain TOEFL score to their prospective international students. To be accepted into the program S1, they generally set skoryang is approximately 475 sd 550, to enter the program while S2 and S3 requirements TOEFLnya score even higher at around 550 sd 600.
Questions are often raised in discussion forums as English teachers in Indonesia is what should be the mastery of English a student in Indonesia so that they can add to scientific knowledge through bacaanyang written in English? Mastery at the level of Primary (Elementary) would not contribute significantly to the students in Indonesia in terms of efforts to increase knowledge through the text books / written knowledge in English. Minimum mastery needed High-level (High Intermediate) so that students can absorb perkuliahanyang materials written in English with relative ease.
Several universities in Indonesia has set a certain TOEFL score for students (Huda, 1999). In connection with efforts to improve the quality of college graduates, peraturanyang universities require students to have mastery of the TOEFL to some extent is expected to have positive impact and we should support. Inggrisyang good mastery of the language are expected to improve the ability to think and work on a global level, the working conditions in the future we need to prepare from now.
7. When and where someone could take the TOEFL test?
Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL and the Computer Based TOEFL can be taken only at certain times have been scheduled well before the test run. Place or testing center, where both of these tests have been conducted as well as determined by the ETS TOEFL test licensees. Both kinds of tests conducted in TOEFLyang specific testing center tsb. is often called the International TOEFL. This is intended to distinguish between them with ITP TOEFL and TOEFL Equivalent / Prediction.
While to take a TOEFL ITP, candidates should contact the institution which has been designated by the IIEF Jakarta as a place of execution. For the implementation of ITP TOEFL is required of participants at least 10 people. Unmul Language Center since 2001 is one of the eligible institutions conducting TOEFL ITP.
Types of TOEFL test Prediction / Equivalent is the type most flexible test execution. At Balai Bahasa Unmul, this test is the test most widely followed by those who want to measure mastery of English for various purposes. Each time participants can test this test by contacting Central Language Unmul least one day before the day of implementation.
Berbagai macam bencana alam seperti gempa, banjir, tanah longsor dan lainnya terjadi berulang kali di negara kita ini. Korban luka maupun tewas entah telah mencapai berapa jiwa. Belum lagi berbagai kekerasan yang sering terjadi, seolah negara kita ini adalah negara yang buta hukum dan berlandaskan pada "otot dan nyali".
maka harapan saya untuk tahun 2010 nanti, yaitu semoga negara tercinta kita ini senantiasa damai sejahtera. marilah sejenak perhatikan alam, berdo'a pada yang kuasa agar kita semua bisa diberi kedamaian ditahun 2010 nanti, amin.
My full name is Insra Aditama Suderi, but people who know me also call me INDRA. I’m born at
My home at Cibinong,
Now, I’ve study at Gunadarma University Depok, FILKOM D3 Management of Information. There, I’ve lot of friends who always can make me spirit for study hard.
My Hobby is listening music. I like many genre of music. Rock, pop, jazz, classic. I’ve some favorite band, like Mr.Big, Dream teather, Extreme, Avenged sevenfold, From First To Last, Secondhand Serenade, etc. Not only listen music, sometimes I make a music lyric for my band. Yes, I have a band. My band is rock genre band and have a name “STAGE”.
I'm a guitarist in my band. but I can not only play the guitar. I am very hobby playing music. I can play drums, bass, and piano. I've loved all the music field. yes, I want to be a musician. I was the one who had dreams and aspirations, and to reach that dream, we must never give up. and another, love your work.